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Displays at the Nicholson Library: FAQs

A guide for students to help them create a display in the Nicholson Library.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does my display have to be connected to an event or issue?

No, your display does not have to coincide with an event. 

Q: What if I want to do a display, but it is not academic in nature? 

A: Talk to the Nicholson Library Staff - we would be happy to help you steer a passion project into an academic-focused display.

Q: What if I want to do a display on a controversial political or religious topic?

A: The Library welcomes controversial displays as long as they are rooted in academic scholarship. However, displays that are deemed by the librarians to be obscene, willfully false, inciting racial hatred, or discriminatory will not be approved. 

Q: I have a display idea, but it does not fit one of the designated spaces. What should I do?

A: Talk to the librarians. We would be happy to find a display space that best fits the needs of your display.

Q: Can a club have guaranteed regular use of a display area?

A: No, no club is guaranteed regular use of a display area.

Q: What if my intended display does not fit into the 4-week proposal time frame?

A: Ask the librarian. We are happy to have a conversation to best fit your scheduling needs. 

Q: What if I want my display up longer than 6 weeks?

A: Talk to the librarian. We are happy to have a conversation about the duration of your display.

Q: Can my display coincide with an event?

Yes! The Nicholson Library would be happy to host your display and your event

Q: Will my personal materials be secure in the display cases?

A: The Nicholson Library can not guarantee that personal materials will not get stolen or damaged in the display cases. However, the library has some mechanisms in place to keep your personal materials safe. All displays are placed in high trafficked areas where it is less likely for someone to mess with them. Further, most display cases lock.