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Displays at the Nicholson Library: Beginning your Display

A guide for students to help them create a display in the Nicholson Library.

Choosing a Topic

The Nicholson Library welcomes two types of displays, academic or original artistic expression: 

Academic displays in the Nicholson Library do not have to be connected to a specific class or discipline. The library encourages creative and unique proposals for displays. Librarians are willing to help steer a passion project into an academic study. For more information view the "Academic Displays" tab.

Creative Artistic expression refers to original pieces of art created by Anderson University students. The artistic pieces can be but do not have to be thematically connected. All pieces must have proper attribution including, title, artist, and date. For more information visit the "Creative Artistic Expression Displays" tab.

Below are pictures of available spaces to create displays!

Outside 24-hour Lab

Ground Floor East Wall

Information Desk

New Book Shelf

Ground Floor Outside Restrooms

Materials for Display

The Library will provide the following materials to enhance your display:

  • Display cases of various shapes and sizes 
  • Whiteboards and markers
  • 8 1/2 by 11 paper holders 
  • Poster printing assistance 
  • Gridwall book and paper holders

Want to create a display? Schedule an Consultation Appointment today!

Schedule a 10-minute consultation appointment with a librarian to discuss your ideas.