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Displays at the Nicholson Library: Home

A guide for students to help them create a display in the Nicholson Library.

Library Displays at Nicholson Library

The Nicholson Library welcomes Anderson University students or student groups to create a physical display in designated spaces in the library. The displays do not have to be connected to a specific academic class or discipline; however, they must be rooted in academic scholarship or original artistic expression. A successful display will follow the five steps of exhibit design, Concept Development, Schematic Design, Design Development, Final Design, and Construction. 

For a display in the Nicholson Library, the student or group will submit a proposal to the library staff. Display proposals must be submitted four weeks prior to the display installation date. The displays will be up for 2 to 6 weeks, the duration will be determined upon proposal acceptance. The schedule may vary based on student needs, space availability, and the semester calendar. 

Have a conversation with a librarian to begin your display!

Exhibit Content

The Nicholson Library affirms the ALA Library Bill of Rights which states “libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrine disapproval.” The Nicholson Library is committed to academic freedom - no censorship will be imposed by the library as long as the display is rooted in academic scholarship. However, materials that are deemed by the librarians to be obscene, willfully false, inciting racial hatred, or discriminatory will not be approved. 

Additionally, library spaces cannot be used for commercial purposes, for the solicitation of business, for profit, or for fundraising. Library spaces also can not be used for political advertisements. The library does not necessarily endorse the beliefs or viewpoints of topics that may be the subject of library exhibits, whether library-initiated or sponsored by an individual or group.

The library reserves the right to remove a display.

Learning and Outreach Librarian

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Graeme States

Getting Started!

First, read the content of this Libguide to familiarize yourself with the process. Then schedule an appointment with Graeme States using the box above.

In the appointment, we will talk about your idea as well as the timeline and location of your display.