It is important to cite primary source materials as completely as possible in order for researchers to be able to find the item again. However, citing archival materials can be complicated. Include as much of the following information as possible:
Morrison, John Arch. Letter to Herbert Arnold. 19 July 1933. AC 1, File 5. Anderson University and Church of God Archives, Nicholson Library, Anderson, IN.
Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the mid-year meeting of the Missionary Board of the Church of God. 29 November 1955. CHOG 433, File 1. Anderson University and Church of God Archives, Nicholson Library, Anderson, IN.
Sullivan, Sarah. "Paducah." The Late and Morning Hours: Literary Arts Magazine. Fall 1998. AC 294. Anderson University and Church of God Archives, Nicholson Library, Anderson, IN.
"Snowball Fight." c. 1925. Photographs, Anderson University Collection, AE 25. Anderson University and Church of God Archives, Nicholson Library, Anderson, IN.