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Psychology: Find Articles

Browzine Psychology Journals

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Restricted Resource = AU login required
Some full text available = Full-text included
Resource contains images = Images included
Resource contains video = Video included
Resource contains audio = Audio included

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Searching for Articles

InterLibrary Loan (ILLiad)

Making the Most of Google Scholar

Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a search engine that can provide links to full-text articles Nicholson Library already subscribes to or to articles made freely available by a publisher.  When the full-text is freely unavailable, Scholar provides citations and abstracts of an article that is copyright protected.

    • Ease to use...similar to regular Google
    • Citation information provided
    • Results from a variety of information sources...technical reports, preprints, societal publications, etc.
    • Full-text if available
    • Full-text not available or restricted without a subscription
    • Uneven coverage in social sciences, better for hard sciences
    • No limiter for just scholarly publications
    • Few options to limit or narrow search results