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Computer Science: Computer Science Resources

Nicholson Computer Science Books

Databases to find Journal Articles

Computer Science Browzine

Web Sites 
Hardware and software reviews, latest prices, downloads, web building information, new developments in the computer field, etc.
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility 
Home page for CPSR. Links to topics such as computer security, intellectual property, privacy, ethical decision making, etc. 
Technical and career resources for computer professionals from the IEEE Computer Society.
All aspects of Linux.
Pew Internet and American Life Project 
Academic-quality research that explores the impact of the Internet on children, families, communities, the work place, schools, health care and civic/political life.
 Free tool to help you study for any subject.  Quizlet lets you create a quiz based on your study information.
 UBM TechWeb - The Global Leader in Technology Media and Business Information
Ubuntu means for the people and is a free windows like Linux that you can download and install. It allows you to test and run from CD w/o installing.
Web Monkey 
Web Development Resources
ZD Net 
 Tech News

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It is usually easiest to read eBooks online, a chapter at a time.  If you want to download an entire eBook, it is doable but can be a bit complicated.  Here are instructions.




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James Bell