Scholarly journal and popular magazine with full-text and indexes, covering a wide range of topics. A good database for beginning searches.
Business Source is a scholarly business database, providing a collection of full-text articles and citations. It includes 1,300 journals, as well as 21,000+ company profiles, 5000+ SWOT analysis reports, and 500+ case studies. Also, it provides citations, indexing, and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals back as far as 1886.
CQ Researcher is noted for its in-depth, unbiased coverage of health, social trends, criminal justice, international affairs, education, the environment, technology, and the economy.
JSTOR includes scholarship published in high quality academic journals across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, as well as monographs and other materials valuable for academic work. (Journal issues for the most current years may not be available.) These journals may also be searched from the library catalog.
Nexis Uni includes more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources. Nexis Uni includes full text from hundreds of business & legal journals, newspapers, and news wire services. You'll also find business and company reports, SEC filings, legal case law, state and US legal code. It includes U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790.
SAGE Journals provides full-text articles in the disciplines of health sciences; life and biomedical sciences; materials science and engineering; and social sciences and humanities.
Springer Journals Online provides full-text articles in the fields of Biomedical and Life Sciences; Medicine; Chemistry and Materials Science; Physics and Astronomy; and Mathematics and Statistics.
Database of free, full-text, peer-reviewed journals covering many scientific and scholarly subjects.
Looking for a specific Journal, Magazine, or Newspaper?
Search here to see if we carry it at AU Nicholson Library (in print or electronically).
The McClatchy-Tribune Collection includes a 90-day archive of approximately 500 newspapers from the McClatchy-Tribune Information Services. In the past, this database included the Anderson Herald-Bulletin, but, not as of 2020. It does include the Indianapolis Star, Goshen News, Lebanon Reporter, and Munster Times.
Provides full-text of over 75 regional business journals, newspapers and newswires covering metropolitan and rural areas within the United States and Canada. Includes Crain's New York Business and other Crain Communications editions.
Click from the INspire homepage to access
Near real-time access to Associated Press, United Press International, PR Newswire, Xinhua, CNN Wire, and Business Wire. Also this collection includes AP Financial News, AP Top News, AP WorldStream, AP U.S. Politics & Government, AP 50 State Reports, UPI Security Industry, UPI Emerging Threats, UPI Business, UPI Entertainment, UPI Sports, UPI Top News, Arabia 2000, and more. The index to the full-text content is held for a rolling 30-day archive.
Newspaper Source provides cover-to-cover full text for more than 40 (U.S.) and international newspapers, including the Christian Science Monitor, The Washington Post, The Times (London), Toronto Star, etc. It has selective full-text for 389 regional (U.S.) newspapers. And also includes full-text television and radio news transcripts from CBS News, CNN, CNN International, FOX News, NPR, etc. .
Google Scholar is a search engine that can provide links to full-text articles Nicholson Library already subscribes to or to articles made freely available by a publisher. When the full-text is freely unavailable, Scholar provides citations and abstracts of an article that is copyright protected.